Tag: Google

Smart searching lesson one

Kia ora bloggers

Today is Tuesday and we always have Cybersmart so today we finished the lesson of media and know we are doing smart searching. We had to search words but some words didn’t have correct punctuation, order, spelling, and little words. We had to see if different info comes or the same, then we take  a screenshot and add it to your slides. After that we have to mark it in a table where if those things matter or not. There was even an activity where we have to find the key words and type it in and then we have to write the answer in the table under it.

The part that was enjoyable for this activity was searching different things and taking the screenshot of them.

The challenging part was finding the key words because all the words seem important.

Do you ever search the key words?

Search theses words and tell me what came up.

Have a nice day and here are the slides we worked on.