trip to Orewa Beach

Kia ora bloggers and viewers

Yesterday we went to Orewa beach  and learned surfing. we even did lots of things  and had lots of fun.Today we had to write a recount about our trip so you can know how much fun we had and what we did

My highlight for this activity was  typing on my Chromebook because it is so fast that I can even finish typing in maybe around 20-30 minutes.

The challenging part for this activity was thinking about what we did from the beginning till the end because we did so many activities.

Have you ever been to Orewa beach or have done surfing? Tell me in the comments if you have  or you would want to.

Have a nice day and here is my recount and some pictures from the trip.



On Wednesday 27th of March the senior school at Hay Park went to Orewa beach to learn surfing and to have  a fun time. First we had to come to school early because we had to be prepared and check our bags for hats, lunch,water,jacket and togs plus towel. There was breakfast open for people that didn’t have breakfast but nobody from our class went because everybody already had breakfast. The buses were leaving at 8:50 so at around 8:45 our class splitted into the 2 buses. Me and my friend Zaynab went in room eights bus where we met our friend Blane. The buses were so flashy  because they had curtains, lights, tray tables, arm rest and toilets!  It is so cool that there is a toilet in the bus. To get to Orewa beach we had a 45 minute drive, which was so long but fun.

After a long drive we finally reached to our destination at Orewa. The instructors Toby and Ismara welcomed us  and told us what to beware of like rocks, currents and people.They even told us how to protect yourselves by putting one hand on your head and other on you neck so if you fall than you will not hurt yourself.

After the instructors told us all the information the teachers told the staff about the rotation  and we were doing a beach game with Mrs Patel. We played capture the flag and at first it was so fun but when the  teacher started to take one pipe away I lost and got eliminated. After the game we had options like having a swim, walking down the beach and playing in the sand but most of the people chose to swim and walk along the beach including me. 

After beach games our next rotation was surfing! I was so excited. We first got our wet suits and t-shirts but some people didn’t want to wear the wetsuit so they only wore the t-shirts. First before we surfed in the water the instructor explained the parts like the tail, nose,fins and the leash. Then we had a practice on the sand like jumping up and if we fall, how to fall. Then we finally got to surf in the water. It was kind of tricky at first but then I was having so much fun andI even stood up on my surfboard when a wave came and learned how to surf. Time was up sadly and we had to get changed  but I didn’t want to go and have more time but it was the end. 

We had to get out of our wet suits and then got changed into our uniforms. Next we had lunch and after lunch we played in the playground. We even played tag and hide-n-seek. It was almost time to go back to school so everybody settled down and got ready but room 6 had to change quickly because they were the last class to go surfing and the buses were already here. Finally when everybody was all sorted Mrs Patel did the lost property because some people accidentally took someone else’s uniform and things. After everything was done and the classes were counted everybody boarded on the bus and  I was so tired that I almost fell asleep. Finally, after a 45 minute drive we reached school in time and the bell just rang .


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